M i c h a u t F a m i l y

Henri Michaut
D e v e l o p m e n t
During the 1990s, the estate grew and now has 25 hectares of vines. The Michaut brothers then decided to develop the sale of bottles from their own vinification. The wines are made and bottled at the estate: a success since in 2011 they leave the cooperative to sell the wines from their own production.
The estate went from selling 15,000 bottles per year in the 1990s to 100,000 bottles in the 2010s. This success is the fruit of a long term work which required numerous investments with the construction of a shed, the purchase of a labelling line, the installation of a bottling line and the construction of a new vat house.
Our History
S i n c e 1 9 6 0

Henri Michaut
The story begins in the 1960’s in the heart of the Chablis vineyard thanks to Henri Michaut who takes care of the fields, the cows and the vineyard at the same time. At that time, the vineyard represented 2 hectares.
His three sons Jean, Christian & Bernard joined him in turn, starting with Jean in 1970, followed by Bernard in 1974 and Christian in 1990. At the same time, Claude Robin also joined the adventure alongside the Michaut brothers in the 1980s for several years, as did Guillaume Michaut, son of Christian, in 2005.
From the 1970s onwards, the Michaut family’s harvest was sold to the “La Chablisienne” cooperative cellar. This is a group of winegrowers who produce and sell wine made from the grapes of its members.

Jean Michaut

Christian Michaut

Bernard Michaut
S o m e k e y f i g u r e s :
Bottles sold per year :
Size of the farm :

Adrien Michaut
T o d a y
Adrien, Bernard’s son, joined the estate in 2010 and is now the sole manager of Domaine de la Motte. Since his arrival, the estate has continued to grow and today represents 53 hectares of vines and 350,000 bottles sold each year.